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Agile je jeden project management metodologie, podobně jako waterfall model. Umožňuje měnící se požadavky, časté dodávky, iterativní a inkrementální přístup.


SM Scrum master PO Project owner Team


Refinement - detailní dolaďování věcí v backlogu: prioritizace, estimace, popis
Planning - Rozdělění věcí z backlogu určených pro daný sprint v týmu, úkoly pro sprint určuje PO
Daily stand-up

PO Project Owner - prioritize stories


Backlog: - user story - dává hodnotu, user perspective - Epic - velké user story na několik sprintu, obsahuje několik storek - Feature - jedinečná vlastnost, která se dodá do produktu - Task

Jak dělit storku: podle transakcí - vytvořit, upravit, přečíst, smazat podle deta, investigace a implementace, vyjímky, ….

User persona - Hypotetický uživatel - umožnuje se vcítit do uživatele. Jméno, role, učel co chce udělat, jeho běžné činnosti

Story INVEST - independent na jiných věcech, Negotiale (need, not solution), Valuable - hodnota popsaná ve story, Estimable, Small, Testable - acceptance test

User story format: Co kdeo chce, co chce udělat a proč, detaily, acceptance criteria As a accountant, I waould like accoubt screen to be simple that I do not have to scroll up and down

Definition of Done - obecne pravidlo, co platí pro všechny user story (otestovano, bezpečné, …) Definition of Ready Acceptance criteria - pro story

Minimaly marketable feature mmf

Business value: New revenue, incremental revenue, retained revenue (aby neodešli), operational efficiency — top priority

Benefit cost analysis Payback period - za kolik let se investice vrati: 100000 investice, 25000 naklady, 4 roky navrat Returnon investment 25k/100k=0.25 Net present value npv Internal rate of value irr

Prioritizace Value risk matrix - high risk, high value, high risk low value…. Kano model

Storypoints - univerzální, nezávislé na člověku 1 small 5 medium 13 big linear or fibonaci, if betveen, then higher

Ideal time - absolutni cas na storku - lisi se clovek od cloveka, lepe se vysvetli mimo tym

Story card - popis, estimace, priorita

Affinity estimation - sort all storycards from smallest to biggest, then estimate by fibbonaci, or t-shirt size - relative sizes

Planning poker, read story point, than discuss, than every choose size, than discussion, than agreement on size fun, involves all, effective, discuss risks

Velocity and planning - velocity - productivity of the team - work done in a sprint in story points, average value for past sprints

Planning onion - vision, roadmap, release, sprint, daily

Release planning - goal of release, select stories aligned to the goal, estimate and prioritize, determine sprint size, estimate team velocity, assign individual user stories to the sprint - do it together, to not have aggressive release plan Good to assign just some first iterations, rest of backlog tentative. Possible to use buffer. Plan can change

Release planning process flowchart determine High level business goals —> decide epics, storeies → estimate user stories, →iteration size → estimate velocity, → prioritize → select stories to iterations and release date Common failure - use sprints for specific activities, not for deliverables → schedule risks, longer go from idea to feature

Burn down and burn up charts (information radiators) Burn down chart -linear chart how many work rest to the end of the project (ideal task remaining versus actual work) burndown bar chart - similar, but bars, starting from 0 or another number burn-up chart - how much done since start of project parking lot chart - project stutus - features groupped, green done, red attention, yellow in progress Scrum board - kanban board - todo, doing, done Nico Nico calendar - feeling of every of team - smaily per user and day

Measure just what matter, focus on trends and forecasts, not only values focus on team metrics measires for improvement, not punish

Other information radiators: Impediment log - list of impediments, and their status Resolved/outstanding cummulatiove flow diagram - square with status of workitems blue - backlog, green started yelllow designed, grey coded, red complete - in time

User story -requirements from use perspective Epic - large user story which cannot be delivered in singe spring

value risk matrix - 1) high risk, high value, 2) low rirsk, high value 3) low value low risk (do or not to do) low risk, low value