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net:f5 [2020/02/26 00:10]
net:f5 [2022/01/26 11:37] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +[[https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/big-ip_ltm/manuals/product/ltm-implementations-12-0-0/22.html|nastaveni http/2]]\\
 +[[https://devcentral.f5.com/s/articles/irules-101-02-if-and-expressions|Logicke operatory pro iRules]] a jine temata\\
 +[[https://regex101.com/]] ... online testovani regularnich vyrazu\\
 +===Vestavene promenne===
 +[IP::addr [IP::client_addr]]\\
 +[HTTP::header Content-Length]\\
 +===tmsh prikazy===
 +show ltm virtual ... seznam virtualnich serveru a statistiky\\
 +tmsh show ltm virtual all-properties \\
 +list ltm virtual ... seznam a nastaveni virtualnich serveru\\
 +list ltm node @^10\..*\.44\.\\
 +list ltm rule\\
 +list pool monitor\\
 +lis pool\\
 +list ltm data-group\\
 +list ltm node\\
 +list /net vlan all-properties\\
 +list / net vlan\\
 +show interface\\
 +delete / ltm pool my_pool\\
 +help / ltm pool\\
 +list virtual-address\\