======IBM Infosphere - Datastage====== ====Index stranky====
[[#odkazy|Externi odkazy]]
Designer - windows program na vytvareni ETL jobu
  • Director - windows program na spousteni a kontrolu jobu
  • Administrator - windows program na administraci DS (projekty, uzivatele atd.
  • Manager - windows program na prohlizeni a editaci DS repozitare (tabulek, jobu, transformaci, ..)
  • ====Procesy, adresare, konfiguracni soubory==== dsrpcd ... Datastage engine\\ BmtMDProviderMain ... Metadata Service - The metadata service handles metadata requests including lineage, queryMetadata, updateMetadata, and testDataSourceConnection.\\ BIBusTKServerMain ... report server process\\ CAM_LPSvr ... is related to the cognos authentication with LDAP, one process for each authentication provider\\ java com.cognos.xqe.cubingservices.DQServer ... \\ java com.ibm.cgsBus.CGSServer ... \\ java org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap ...\\ ====Start/stop/status/info==== . ./dsenv ... inicializace prostredi\\ bi/uv -admin -stop ... stop DS\\ bi/uv -admin -start ... start DS\\ cogbootstrapservice -stop -install_root=/usr/ibm/cognos/c10_64\\ cogbootstrapservice -start -install_root=/usr/ibm/cognos/c10_64\\ cogbootstrapservice -restart -install_root=/usr/ibm/cognos/c10_64\\ cogbootstrapservice -isrunning -install_root=/usr/ibm/cognos/c10_64 -stdoutLog=INFO ... status Cognosu\\ cogbootstrapservice -isrunning -install_root=/usr/ibm/cognos/c10_64 -stdoutLog=DEBUG ... status Cognosu - podrobny vypis testovanych sluzeb\\ [[http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21338694|Verze Cognosu]]\\ cat $DS/Server/DSEngine/.dsrel ... verze IIS Datastage\\ ====URL==== http://IP:port/ibm/iis/console/ ... Web console pro IIS\\ http://IP:port/ ... Web console pro Datastage verze 8 a niz\\ http://IP:port/RegistrationServlet/registration ... Java naming space informace\\